This Joyce Full Face Plus mask has a chin cup and is a good option for people who have a receding jaw which can cause the jaw to drop during sleep and result in the mouth falling out of the bottom of the mask.
However, what is unique about the design of this mask cushion is that, although the chin cup is part of the full face mask cushion, the bottom inner seal of the mask goes in the usual chin cleft place, and the chin cup is a separate area where no air enters from the machine.
As well as the adjustable strap at the top of the head to help give stability, the Joyce Plus also has 2 separate adjustment areas for a better fit - one on the forehead piece and the other at the top front of the mask to angle the cushion nearer or further away from the face.
You can use the masks of our JOYCE family for sleep apnoea and non-invasive ventilation patients.
The modular system lets you customize the mask for a perfect fit while the ball-and-socket joint adds to the patient's wearing comfort.
The very quiet exhalation system on our masks is designed so that the air flow does not disturb the patient or his bed partner
This variant of the JOYCE family offers you all the benefits of the two-chamber system that ensures effective therapy.
The first chamber holds the mouth and nose and the second chamber provides chin support as needed.
Two-Chamber Design:
The first chamber covers the nose and mouth and reduces dead space volume to a minimum.
The second chamber holds the chin without generating an unpleasant flow of air across the chin.
The lower part of the cushion does not lie directly on the chin and If the patient's chin falls, it is caught! Air holes prevent sweating.
Therapy Comfort
Convenient Use
If you intend using a Silent Night Liner with this mask, due to the chin support you would need to cut the bottom sticky tabs off the liner as they are not needed, unless you find another way to tweak the liner's use.
For the small and medium sized mask it appears the size small liner is adequate, and for the large and xl sized masks a large liner seems best.