Contour CPAP PILLOW 2.0
Stop struggling with your CPAP night time compliance! The New CPAP Pillow 2.0 is the perfect accessory for night time comfort for those using oxygen therapy. With traditional bed pillows, those who suffer from sleep apnea find it hard to stay compliant as their mask shifts from the contact of their pillow, mask shifts when side sleeping as their mask pushes up against their bed pillow or even facial pressure causing red marks in the morning.

Key Benefits of the CPAP Pillow 2.0
- Works With All Major Brand & Styles of Masks
- Deep Corner Pockets to minimize pressure, leaks and shifting
- Ergonomic Design enhances head, neck, spine and airway alignment
- Precision molded core features a plush fiberfill pillow top to improve comfort, quality of sleep and compliance
- Hose tether feature helps improve airflow by allowing the user to move freely through the night
- The newly ergonomically designed CPAP Pillow 2.0 offers sleep apnea patience a solution to their hassle with their CPAP regimen each night. With deeper side pocket cutouts that allow your mask to rest in a pressure-free zone, 50% more surface area and an upgraded plush fiber fill pillow top - no matter if your back or side sleeper, you can finally get the restful night’s sleep you been hoping to dream about!