The improved CPAP Hose Lift V5.5 suspends your CPAP tube overhead while you sleep, which helps eliminate hose hassle entanglement and tugging on your mask during sleep. It is simply the lightest, most compact home and travel hose management device available.
The Hose Lift V5.5 is 12% lighter and 16% more compact.
The base is 14% larger, and when folded into its own bag, it weighs a lightweight 5.5 ounces (156 g) and is only 2.1" in diameter by 7" in length (5 d. x 18 cm).
The Loop is sized to accommodate a hose with an insulating cover, and now, a base integrally attached to the mast so that the whole system practically self erects.
The loop is sized to accommodate a hose with an insulating cover for true tangle-free assistance.
The new adjustable 5.5 Hose Lift has a reversible double bend mast, allowing an optional slight reduction in height, increasing your reach on your side of the bed.
Overall Specifications
- Erected height is approximately 41" (104 cm). new v5 mast: 11% / 4 / 10 cm taller.
- Collapsed size: approximately 2.36" in diameter x 7.48 long (6 cm in diameter x 19 cm in length). The new v5 29% more compact.
- The total weight with all components including travel bag 5.5 ounces (156 grams). The new v5: 12% lighter.
Special Features & Benefits
- Portable: It is the only hose management device that easily fits within any CPAP machine case to keep you from getting tangled no matter what kind of CPAP machine tubing you use.
- The stable platform between mattress and box spring: The sturdy base is now tubular and made of molded fiberglass and aluminum material. It is integrally connected to the mast and 14% larger, with a redesigned deep socket mast connection, and a mast to the base cord lock. It provides an even more stable platform for the best hose suspension support
- Roller: First and only true original, with a helpful Curly Cord roller incorporated onto the loop, easing movement of the suspended tubing.
- Aluminum: Hose Lift is designed of quality aluminum to provide nimble yet strong assembly.
- Assemble: Equipment is easy to assemble with a semi-self erecting frame that holds your hose comfortably and without tangles every time.
- Mattress: Reliable performance and fit with any mattress system and box spring set.
- Compatible: Universally compatible with any CPAP machines and hoses.